Knoll Light Factory V3

What's New
  • Easy visual interface. Designing flares is a breeze with newly organized controls, and a Lens Designer preview that’s redesigned for a productive, creative experience.
  • New shapes to build your flare. Create beautiful, believable flares with 28 Elements and 56 Sprites, building blocks that let you quickly build a light design.
  • New automated lights. Instantly add unique animation with Behaviors that mimic real world light effects like Strobe, Pulse, Flicker and Blink.
  • More realistic scenes. Use the new Edge Reaction to flare or fade light at the edge of a comp.
  • Now in 3D. Full integration with After Effects 3D camera and lights lets you move the Knoll flares in 3D space and sync them with animated lights.
  • New pricing! Knoll Light Factory 3 is now only $199. That’s a 50% price reduction from Knoll 2.7.
  • $99 update! Any owner of any version of Knoll Light Factory for Video is eligible for the $99 upgrade to Knoll 3.


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